Monday, October 24, 2011

Working With Ink

Working with Ink
Today --Continue to work on Morandi Drawing -- Due Wednesday Oct 26
Homework: Pick either drawing 2-20 or 2-21 to copy from book - Due Monday October 31
Homework – Outline Chapter Two - due Monday October 31
Assignment II using Ink – Copy Number 2-23 using ink washes
(the above new assignment we will start next week -- if you have finished Morandi Drawing, you may start on this next assignment.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


we will meet at the San Jose Art Museum on
November 2. I will be there at 3:00 PM and you may
get there as soon as you can thereafter.

This is a great exhibition and I know you will enjoy

The cost is $5.oo with your student body card

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Yorker Assignment


You are to create a cover for The New Yorker. You may use any of the mediums in your kit to create your drawing. The importance of this assignment is to not only exercise your drawing skills, but to also help to develop your concept abilities. Then, equally as important is to do your research on the dimensions of the cover of the New Yorker!!!

The New Yorker is a good assignment because its magazine picks illustrations from a wide range of topics.

I would like you to do diligent research prior to choosing a topic by exploring examples of the covers both by looking at copies of the magazine at the library and also online.

The project needs to include The New Yorker masthead and be the same size as the actual magazine.

This project will be due Monday of next week at the beginning of class.